[Sofia-sip-devel] Sofia SIP integration with WebRTC & BoringSSL for iOS
Antonis Tsakiridis
9 years ago

I just wanted to let you know that we 've been working with Sofia SIP and
successfully combined it with Google's WebRTC native library for iOS and
lately we managed to integrate the TLS part also.

We did have some issues on the TLS integration due to the fact that Sofia
is configured to work with OpenSSL, while WebRTC library already includes
BoringSSL, and putting them all together was causing us trouble. So our
solution was to change the auto tools configuration so that instead of
OpenSSL it uses WebRTC library which includes Boring SSL and that did the
trick. Would you be interested in such integration?

Best regards
Antonis Tsakiridis
Lead Developer, Mobile SDKs at TeleStax
Michael Jerris
9 years ago
I'm interested

On Monday, February 15, 2016, Antonis Tsakiridis <
Antonis Tsakiridis
9 years ago
Hi Michael,

First off, sorry for the late reply. Ok so what I did was to essentially
replace openssl with boringssl in the auto tools build scripts and then
allow Sofia to gather it's dependencies from the webrtc static lib that
includes boringssl. Some points:

- Been trying to figure our a 'central' repository for Sofia SIP code,
so that I can contribute back to, but haven't been able to. I seem to
recall a gitorious repo but that doesn't seem to be around anymore. I see
that you have been involved with Sofia for the Freeswitch project, so maybe
you can give me some pointers?
- Before contributing back I'd like to improve my contribution so that
instead of replacing openssl with boringssl, to add it on top, so that a
developer can chose during configure time which of the two they need. The
problem is that I'm not that proficient with auto tools and it would take
me forever to do so. Do you have auto tools know-how? If so would you be
interested in contributing that part your self so that the community can
benefit from a more generic solution?

Best regards,
Antonis Tsakiridis
Lead Developer, Mobile SDKs at TeleStax
Michael Jerris
9 years ago
The closest to a central maintained repo at this point is the copy in the freeswitch tree. We will pull this out into a standalone repo sometime this summer before we do our next major version. Unfortunately it seems like we are the last ones doing any maintaining of sofia-sip. Making a way to choose between the two seems sane. I'm probably the autotools guy who can help... Talk to me offline and I can look at the patches and send you in the right direction on how to resolve this. The big issue with the sofia-sip in the freeswitch tree currently is that its set to build as a convenience lib not a normal libtool lib, I'll have to change that back and then make it an option too.
Antonis Tsakiridis
9 years ago
Great, having an up to date standalone repo that interested contributors
can use will help a lot to keep Sofia alive and kicking :)

Glad I found someone who knows his way around autotools, will ping you when
I start working for next iOS version to get this fixed; hopefully you will
have managed to create the repo by then so that I can contribute it back ;)

One more thing. Do you guys have experience porting Sofia on mobile
platforms? Would be a nice area to exchange experiences and help each
other. In Telestax we 're also thinking of coming up with a more reusable
API or even SDK over Sofia SIP, suitable for iOS developers that will make
it easy for community to take advantage of SIP functionality. Sofia has
proven great for our needs so far, but it's integration in iOS presents a
lot of challenges for newcomers. Would be nice to simplify that.

Best regards,
Antonis Tsakiridis
Lead Developer, Mobile SDKs at TeleStax
Michael Jerris
9 years ago
I haven't done any porting but seeing as this ha been well ported to
symbian, I think from day one, it should be well suited for it. All that
should be down in su layer
Antonis Tsakiridis
9 years ago
Actually we have already ported Sofia for iOS and it's been working really
nice so far, combined with Webrtc for media ;). You can install it directly
on an iOS device from https://tsfr.io/xex2zc if you want to play with it,
and check code at https://github.com/RestComm/restcomm-ios-sdk -it's open
source. What we want to do though it to make integration easier for the iOS
Developer that wants to use just the Sofia part. Hence I said that we want
to come up with a more reusable API.

Anyway, thanks for for your input, we 'll be in touch :)

Antonis Tsakiridis
Lead Developer, Mobile SDKs at TeleStax